Sunday 6 November 2011

bloggers block and a nail polish swap!

Hey Guys,
 I am having such a blogging block at the moment and it is driving me insane, I have lots of ideas but everytime i sit down to write i just blank out :(

but i am working on some fun ideas for the next few months and i have a couple of awesome giveaways planned yay!

in the meantime i thought i would let you know about a blog swap i am taking part in, hosted by Tara at fabulous but evil and Celia from Celiasway.

It's a nail polish swap and i think it sounds super awesome and i am even more pleased because i can take part even though i am not in the states yaaay!!!

The closing date for sign up is the 9th! so you still all have time to get over there and take part!!!


546875687sdf said...

Hope you get writing again soon - Thanks for the nail varnish swap tip off :) Sadly I only have the ones I brought over to Norway which I cant bring myself to part with!

Unknown said...

boo, Australia won't let me post nail polish overseas. No idea why, it's not like I'm posting a bomb or anything!!

I find if I have some great ideas for a blog post I quickly jot them down on my iphone, that way I don't forget them :)
Even little things, hope you have more inspiration for blogging!

Talitha xx

Lena B, Actually said...

I'm you nail polish partner! lol!
Nice to ''meet'' you!